Abstract submission – June 21
Abstract acceptance decision – July 8
Early registration fee – July 15
Late registration fee – July 31

Registration is open!



Files to download

Use if you like to submit an abstract below.

Participant information

Participant information

First name *

Middle name (optional)

Last name *

Affiliation *

Email *

Phone number (optional)

Choose your form of participation (oral/poster/passive participant) *

Please upload your abstract here

Twoja przeglądarka nie wspiera technologii HTML5.
* required field

Registration fee information

Your registration fee for the PEC will include admission to all lecture and poster sessions, digital conference programme book, digital abstract book, refreshments and lunch during our Conference including Welcome Reception on the evening of 11 September (all food will be vegetarian).

Early registration fee (till July 15 2024) is 350 PLN for student and PhD student delegates, and 550 PLN for academic delegates. Late registration fee (till July 31 2024) is 450 PLN for student and PhD student delegates, and 650 PLN for academic delegates

Student and PhD students must send a copy of student ID or letter from head of department confirming their student/PhD student status to

Please pay your fee to the bank account below and send a copy of your transfer to the address  Please add the purpose of the payment ‘10th Polish Evolutionary Conference’.

PL 62 1160 2202 0000 0005 1510 7615 (Uniwersytet w Bialymstoku ul. Świerkowa 20B, bank Millenium S. A.)

If you need an invoice, please send the necessary information (your name; name, address and Tax Identification Number (NIP) of your institution) to If you need a pro-forma invoice, please send all necessary information (your name, name of your institution, its address, NIP, appropriate fee) to


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(umowa nr POWR.03.05.00-00-A007/20) realizowanego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój.

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