PJM - tłumacz języka migowego


Abstract submission – June 28
Abstract acceptance decision – July 8
Early registration fee – July 15
Late registration fee – July 31


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  • Wszystkie
  • News


There's a place... University of Bialystok
In the city... in the woods... among the trees and bushes the magnificent buildings of steel, concrete and glass stand. The walls are lined with grapevines, and a stream fed by rain is murmuring all around. Nearby, a meadow blooms with a palette of colors. You can hear birds singing, frogs croaking, and bees preparing honey.

And this is where the queens of science and natural sciences meet biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, and computer science. All of them in university colors. They are connected by the Synthesis of Sciences Square and a cracked ball, which symbolizes the big bang. It is the beginning of everything.


Data: 11.09.2024
Godzina: 12:00 - 20:00


Data: 12.09.2024
Godzina: 08:00 - 19:00


Data: 13.09.2024
Godzina: 08:00 - 17:30


The Faculty of Biology was established in 2019 as a result of the division of the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry. In 1997 the Institute of Biology (together with the Institute of Chemistry) obtained the right to confer doctorate degrees in biological sciences in the field of biology.

Three years later, the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry received the right to confer doctorate degrees in chemical sciences within the field of chemistry. Three years later in 2010 - the habilitation degree in biological sciences within the discipline of biology was obtained. In 2014, the Faculty obtained the right to confer the postdoctoral degree in the field of chemical sciences within the discipline of chemistry. In 2017, the Faculty received the scientific category B. The categories were awarded by the Evaluation Committee of Scientific Units. We educate students in the following fields of study: biology, chemistry, environmental protection, and eco-business.

The Faculty employs 86 staff, including 59 academic teachers and consist of more than 159 students within the Faculty...


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